Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thoughts Sparked

I was informed the other evening that my blog seems a little, and by "little" I mean overly, intimate and personal. Who knew? I understand that I'm not comical and witty like others or even remotely close to political regurgitation, but, apparently I am deep.

For those of you who know me, you know that I try to stay in the "public" me and on rare occasions let you in on the "personal" me. Public Me likes to keep things going, she can be argumentative, and she'll fight for what she knows to be noble/true/moral. She'll admit she's wrong when you have substantial evidence to prove so and she may even apologize if it's obvious that she was offensive. Other than that, know that you'll have a great time because she appreciates her good times!

Personal Me, well, she'll share a secret--better yet, she'll keep yours. She's there for you to confide in and will probably shed a tear or two with you. She lets you in on what God's doing in her life and some of the things that she's praying about. Personal Me will tell you things about her family that you never would have guessed, send you random cards in the mail (given she's got your current mailing address), and be happy/excited/mournful/angry/loving for/with you. With that said, you may get to know pieces of this woman, but you'll never know her struggles, battles, triumphs, or intimate being; these are reserved for those she invites into my "private" me.

Private Me are all the things that no one would want to share with the world. She holds my paralyzing fears, my repulsing insecurities, my war-raging wrath, my tenderhearted motherly love, my hysteria inducing humor (that often leads to snorting, sore sides, and tears of joy), my darkest moments (which include my most shameful acts of sin), my biggest regrets, and the largest leaps of faith. She holds the Me that I desperately long others to know but am dreadfully scared to let in.

This was just an elaborate and wordy way to tell you, the reader, that this, this blog, is your invitation in. It is the collaboration of the Me's, together being vulnerable, so that you may know me in my totality as God changes that which I know about myself.

Enjoy the ride. I know I will.

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