Monday, August 17, 2009


Got some reassuring news last night that made today even better. I'll be going to see Becca here in a few days! SO stoked. Lee will be going to be with his family as they are still dealing with Eddie's condition.

It's going to be nice to get away without any sort of responsibility or obligation. Me and B and B. ha ha.

On another note...God gave me the most awesome epiphany earlier today. It's been said that behind every great man is a greater woman. I never knew how Biblically sound that was until recently. I've been reading and reading and reading and finally...!!!...something sunk in.

Eve WAS created as Adam's "helpmate." A more accurate translation is we are their "life savers." There is something innate in all women to want to bring the best out of people. This is both a blessing and a curse (just focusing on the blessing part today, I'll elaborate later on the curse). It's in our hearts and our desires to "better" people and enable them to succeed. On some level, it's even encouraging to us when we see someone excel further than we could/have/will because we know that it was because of us...not that we deserve praise and recognition, but because it completes something in us.

So many women look at it from the "I helped him get this far...he wouldn't be there without me...what does he think will happen should I leave" mentality instead of one that praises them for being what God designed them to be. And it's not so much that God created us to have these abilities, but that He created our hearts with a longing to help men.

But, it's not just men, for I know that some women will not marry because it's not God's will for their lives. Instead, helping the less fortunate or children, for example, will fill those longings and desires.

Long story short (and minus the bazillion words or my rambling and disorganization), my perspective on so much has been rocked!

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